This is a video by acclaimed music director Spike Jonze. It's of Weezers debut single 'Undone "The Sweater Song"'. This video has aspects of things I would like to include in my own music video, for instance, the whole video is a performance piece, just the band playing in a music video studio as you can see the blue backdrop and I was planning for my video to be a performance as most debut videos are as it introduces you to the band. I really like the atmosphere of this video, I think it creates a really independent, unexpected calm much like the 'stoner rock' genre Weezer were associated with. I like how the premise of the video seems really basic, and then a volta is brought in half way through completley adding another layer to the video, here of course I am talking about the influx of dogs running through the set.
Another thing I like is how the song is like a gradual build up, realeasing itself at the end and the video kind of accompinies that, as after the dogs run in the music isn't really played in sync with the bands actions, except for the lyrics and the band just kinda go a little crazy, conveyinga build up if adreniline to the viewer as when I watched it I could feel myself building up with the music. This is something I would love to be able to do in my music video.
I also love how the video is one take with no different shots whatsoever, the camera starts of through corridors twisting around making the viewer feel slightly uneasy, with a strange conversation in the back round, and it finally finds the band, and the only movement it now does is slight pans or zooms in, but no different shots.
I think it's a really cool video and well definitley try and incoperate some of its ideas into mine.
Members of Blind Cat-Walks come from the areas Welling, Bexleyheath, Belvedere and Sidcup all areas on the edge of South-East London and Kent. Blind Cat-Walks was created when three of the members who went to the same school decided to share each others musical interests together, and being that they could all loosely play their instruments, organised jamming sessions. A few months later looking to expand their music they hunted for a bassist and found one through a mutual friend. With the lineup complete, BCWs music started to become more and more refined and there was an obvious chemistry between the group.
Soon BCW started to try and get into the local gig circuit around their area playing pubs in Deptford, Lewisham, Swanley and even a pub in Sheperds Bush. Scraping money from the few gigs they were getting paid for BCW managed to afford a short recording session where they managed to lay down six tracks each song taking one attempt, creating the raw sound which would turn into a signature trait of theirs. These first six tracks became the bands debut EP 'Blind Cat-Walks' and earned them a small, but devoted following as copies travelled around the South-East of London. Then in early 2009, after playing a small gig consisting of only 8 people in a small pub Hackney BCW got their break. By pure chance a representative of Fearless Records was in London, not on business, and had come to the gig with a friend. He approached the band straight after the show however, stating he was blown away and wanted to fly the band away to California as soon as possible to sign them up and record some tracks.
As good as this sounded BCW were not to set on leaving their country so soon and would rather record on their own soil. Slightly taken a back the Fearless Records representative managed to give them a recording contract and organised a studio in London where they could begin work. Now, BCW have an album recorded entitled 'Star Slight' which will release after their first single of the same name.
Although they haven't been around for long, BCW have created something of a following mainly because of their energetic live performances. The buzz they create at shows has earned them respect all around the place as they have a total disregard for conventional shows. This attitude they have has proven that BCW is all about the music and are not very fussed about how they look, they keep it very casual with jeans and a top.